
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on our feelings in relationship to our thinking and how we react to that situation.  It is based on the belief that our thoughts produce the negative feelings, not the events or people involved.  Many of our thoughts, feelings, and reactions can be learned reactions to situations or people, or they may be based on the “stories” we tell ourselves, and some may even be based on our own beliefs about ourselves. Talk therapy and at times homework can help in making positive changes.

CBT explores the root of dysfunctional beliefs, tests the reality, and helps you make changes in your daily life.  CBT helps to modify your beliefs therefore your reactions that result from them will improve.

Clinical research has shown that CBT can help many people with a wide variety of issues in a short period of time.  You will find through therapy, awareness, and practice, your dysfunctional behaviors will decrease therefore improving your quality of life.

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